Captains Annunciaters from CockpitSimParts
|  5 inch display for Captains Chrono. Due to plan change, this will now be F/O Chrono
 Laying out the MIP design on 1/8 inch hardboard
|  Carefully drawn out from Marcus Pilot.com measurements
 1/2 by 1 inch panel supports, screwed and glued in place.
|  Many will recognize the plans from Peter's "Build a Boeing" site.
 Port side of MIP stand
|  Both ends of stand in place. Base attached. Be sure to support the structure.
 Port side of MIP stand fastened in place
|  MIP panel temporarily in place. Base is resting on starboard side of CDU Bay.
 Mounted back side of Landing Gear. Several screws.
|  Had to cut a hole for protruding hardware..
 CDU Bay in place. Cuttout for Upper EICAS too big. Will correct in V2.
|  Lining Up Landing Gear face plate.
 Thin aluminum plate from hardware store. Quite cheap.
|  Making homemade monitor mounts..
 FO screen mount
|  FO screen mounted
 Mount for Captains screen
|  Captains screen mounted in place
 Cutting out Display covers from Plexi
|  Cut and snap. Quite easy. Use gloves and safety glasses.
 Checking covers for fit
|  Lining up MIP with monitors
 Lining up bottom glare panel
|  Lining Up Lower glare
 Lining up MCP and EIFS
|  Mounting EIFIS and MCP
 Lining up Upper glare panels
|  Lining Up Glare wing template
 Drawing out Glarewings. Thanks To Burkhard for the design.
|  Cut out with jig saw, glue and sand. I used 3 14mm peices per side.
 Ready to sand. See the url for Burkhard's site under Links page.
|  Lining up Glarewings
 Covering top of glare with black leather like vinyl
|  Center covered and stapled
 Left and center glare covered
|  Right Glare top covered
 Glare shield document holder cut from serving tray
|  Meaurementss where I placed mine. From fellow builder
 Cut end off MIP side wall to better suit shell
|  Right side of MIP side wall cut off to accomodate upcoming shell
 Glare wings painted. Still need Master and Fire, six packs.
|  Cousin's rig