My 737NGX800 Homebuilt Cockpit


I've decided against P3DV6 as didn't seem enough of a change from 5.2. I'm now using MSFS2020 and will go with MSFS2024 when it arrives. Just can't afford buying software for 2 sims. Safe Flights Captains

Well,again, it's been awhile. Sim has come a long ways. I'm now exclusively with MSFS2020 which has multiple views which is what made me think about changing platforms. I aquired an FDS MIP from Frank Cooper, who sadly, passed away in the spring of 2020. RIP Frank. Franks MIP is working perfectly now and my home built FWD Overhead is completed and installed in my FDS Shell. Many thanks to Richard from New Zealand who sent missing parts that Frank never had a chance to send. The MIP is now finished and installed in the shell and is working great.

What this is ...

In the beginning I had decided to build mostly with wood and make as many items myself as possible with budget in mind but as time passed,(and lack of it), I added more and more factory built items. I've semi-finished my throttle quadrant for the 737NGX800 (non motorized), pictures and documentation are posted on the Throttle Tab. I'm considering putting the Throttle up for sale if anyone might be interested. I have a list of supplier Links and websites who I've had success ordering my supplies from and who have been very helpful, so be sure to check out the Links Tab. I will also be posting odds and ends I have left over from the build in the For Sale Page when time permits.

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All the best
Ed Burton
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